Friday, October 29, 2021

What defines SUCCESS?

This is the recent vegetable harvest done by my dear friend, roommate, batchmate, of the Computer Engineering batch graduated in 2000. She is now settled in USA, living with a beautiful family, a loving husband and two adorable kids. She spends her time, raising kids, managing home, painting, gardening and farming. I remember meeting her first day in the college girls hostel. She told me, that she joined engineering for her love for the subject Mathematics. She is not thinking of having a serious career post her graduation. This disclaimer actually stunned me. I have been always ambitious about my career. I was eager to get qualified to work and start earning to become independent.

Two decades later, leaving behind a high paying corporate career, becoming an Entrepreneur, starting, owning, running and failing multiple businesses, a mother of 3 beautiful kids, I am still striving to reach my full potential. 

This is my husband's batchmate, who recently bought a brand new SUV MG Hector. Today my husband shared this picture telling me, "he is my classmate who topped every year during graduation". However my dear husband failed every year during graduation.

Two decades later, my husband has a Diabetes Care hospital, and now eagerly waiting for his brand new Toyota Innova Crysta to be delivered before Diwali.

2005 when we got married, most of our peers were married, settled abroad, either having kids, owning a house, a car or having a high paying Corporate Job or Hospital.

Life is set when you follow a tried and tested formula. Living a life like a prescription, get good marks, get a job, get married, have children, buy a house, a car, and the list goes on and on.

Now how do you measure Success? When you follow the formula or when you carve your own path? Living by design, doing what you love, breaking rules, and barriers or living by duty, people's expectations or agenda for you. 

The number of degrees, certificates, assets, kids, define success or the freedom of time, money and experience of heartfelt connections with people around you. What defines SUCCESS? 

SUCCESS means the accomplishment of an aim or a purpose. 

Why an aim or purpose? It is determined by what is driving you? What are you left with? In your experience of Life? 

Are you in a race? Attached to accumulating things, fullfilling desires and controlling people? Experience joy and happiness in winning the game of Life. 


Are you living for a purpose, a vision, a goal, passionately fulfilling, on your dream, by surrendering to a mission? Experience the joy and happiness of inspiring and contributing to people and the planet. 

For many people, having peace of mind, winning over their fear and anxiety is an achievement. Having a lot of money, fans, friends or followers, name, fame, social status, authority and power decides success. 

A good friend of mine once said, "as per the law of nature, every living thing is here to be consumed by another ". So we are completely in charge of what is driving our life, to be either consumed by our unique purpose or fulfilling people's expectations of us. In both cases we are a contribution

We are successful in every aspect of our life, when we achieve our goals, honour our word, be of service, share our knowledge, wisdom, having our voices heard, making bold choices, experience belongingness, being cherished, valued, appreciated and loved for who we are. 

Let me know in the comments "What success means to you? How do you define your success? 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Breaking Barriers - Entrepreneurship

Breaking Barriers – Entrepreneurship require courage to face rejection, failure, confidence to deal with uncertainty and relentless commitment to growth. 

2015 – I quit a high paying Corporate Job to start my first school a franchisee business centre.

People’s Opinion – Why? Are you crazy! You have small kids. This is not the right time. You can do what you want to do when your kids grow up. πŸ™„πŸ˜ #makeboldchoices 

2016 – A struggling Business, Finance, and husband diagnosed with chronic illness rheumatoid arthritis. 

Financial Barriers – Invest in personal growth and development to learn new skills πŸŒŸπŸ’– #followyourheart 

2017 – Launch my second school expand franchisee business network.

Time Barriers – Create Teams to manage multiple business centres. A Road Trip from Chennai to Auli, my husband's journey to recovery. πŸ˜€πŸš—πŸ’•#designyourlife 

2018 – Launch Infinite Creations own Brand, as Business Consulting services for setting up Schools. A new baby. 

Mindset Barriers – Create a Vision and Mission to empower, inspire and contribute globally through education. πŸ’–πŸ’« #findyourvoice

2019 – Close all franchisee business centres, huge financial loss. 

People’s Opinion – Shut down your business when you cannot make profits. You cannot do business. Find a job. πŸ€”πŸ˜’ #selfbelief 

2020 – Pandemic, Lockdown, start my Blog, Publish my first book Couch to Crest a 6000 kilometers Road Trip from the Coromandel Coast to Himalayas. Become a Coach. Start my Podcast and Live Show. 

People’s Opinion on Getting out of Comfort Zone – This is absolute nonsense. What do you want to prove? Showing off? Don’t share your failures with the World. πŸ’«πŸ˜ #shareyourstory

2021 – Relaunch Infinite Creations an Educational Enterprise, offering, training, coaching and consulting services for personal, professional and business growth. 

People’s Opinion – You cannot be Sadhguru? πŸ˜€πŸŒΉ #awakenyourpower

πŸ’₯🌟✨πŸ“£Celebrating FIRST anniversary of The Real Entrepreneur Show (Podcast and Live), featuring inspiring stories of 40+ Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Consultants from North America, Africa, Europe and Asia.